In 1965 the Byrds popularized the Pete Seeger song, "Turn, Turn, Turn." I can't quote the song but I can quote the bible verse it's taken from (Ecclesiastes 3:1-22) which says:

"To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to work, a time to rest, a time for frustration, a time when nothing seems to be working out, a time when you feel like you have one hand tied behind your back. . . "

Okay, I may have changed the words of that a bit.

But I do know many of us find ourselves in a place where life feels like that. Author, Carol Adrienne called it a void. She wrote:

“The void gives us an opportunity to end some part of our development and to prepare the ground for new growth.”

Ah! So that's what it is. . . 

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But it doesn't always feel like that does it? It feels more. . . well, you've heard my "song." And sometimes this void is shows itself by stuffing our life with so many distractions and life happenings, we have no choice but to simply steer our little boat through the rushing rapids focusing only on keeping it afloat. We have no opportunity to do much else.

For me, that has shown itself these past few weeks with critical micro eye surgery to reattach my right retina. You wouldn't think an incision the size of a pen point would be that debilitating, but I've fumbled along the past seven weeks (eight by the time you read this) doing my daily work and chores with one clear eye. (The right eye is semi-blocked by a gas bubble until it dissipates.) This—I've learned the hard way—is tiring.

We've had two deaths in the family, a cousin and more recently, Tim's aunt. The latter is particularly sad because Tim's mother, the youngest of eight siblings, is now the soul survivor of that clan. I can sense how that is weighing on her.

A week ago, my youngest son had spinal surgery, his third in three years, if I am counting right. While we expect his recovery period and need for care to be considerably less intensive than past procedures, we've had some late nights and long days that seem a lot harder the older we get.

All of this swam along while we continued the deaccession of our forty-four-year collection of antiques, plus preparing the holiday festivities for Thanksgiving and the coming-like-a-freight-train Christmas date. Not to mention whatever daily activities have to take place. (Doctor appointments, grocery getting, home and auto maintenance. . . etc.)

(All of the above is why this month's newsletter is later than normal.)

I'm sure you've experienced a period of life like this yourself. Whether you call it a "void" or by any other name, it can seem like there is no end in sight. So how do you get through it and past it?

First of all, you do whatever you have to do in the moment. That's all you can do and, there is no sense in apologizing for it, it is what it is. Just do your best to get through the hard days. 

Abraham (Ester & Jerry Hicks) says: "Remember, 'you never get it done,' and 'you always have rockets of desire.' Trust the process and know that 'you are exactly where you need to be.' If it didn’t get done today, it wasn’t important today." (I remind myself of this often since I never feel like I accomplished all I wanted to do on any given day. I always seem to over-estimate what I can achieve in a single day's waking hours.) Wisemen DP 30823219

The second thing is to keep one eye focused on where you want to be. Think of it as a star shining down a single point of light. (Remember those wise men traveling afar?) It may feel far off. It may even feel impossible at this given point, but keep your eye on that spot and keep heading in that direction, no matter how slowly that movement might be. (At which point, I find my self humming "[There's a Light] Over at the Frankenstein Place." from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.)

Whenever I've been in the void, whether the fast-running-rapids type, or the why-is-life-so-boring-and-dull type, the answer to breaking free from it (which can't be forced) is to begin to think forward and to find that spark that ignites and excites you. Reach for that.

And while you are reaching, and not quite making headway, it's a great time to clear out and finish up whatever you're stuck in as sometimes that must be done before you can move on. I have been known to say, "Time doesn't always move by the clock, but also by our actions."

For me these past few weeks, that has meant to use whatever few moments I've had to update all my Marvelous Messages books including new covers—for one, I now use my middle name. (It's a numerology thing.) Marvelous Messages from Your Body received the biggest update with all new examples inside.

On my website, I'm building a new sales portal so that, come January, I can begin doing live readings. (What I thought would be a couple of hours work took me two weeks to manage all the issues, but I just kept my eye focused on that point of light to get it done.)

Meanwhile, over on our antique side, that site will get a store and a few other updates. I'm trying to convince hubby to become a YouTube star in the antique world. (I haven't convinced him. . . yet.)

My point of light for next year will be to finish three more books including (in no particular order) Marvelous Messages from Your Heart, which is the last of the Heart level books and offers guidance on following those deep desires we so often ignore; Marvelous Messages from Your Ancestry (and its accompanying card deck), which shows how to 'look back to leap forward;' and Marvelous Messages from Your Weight, which (hint) is not about dieting.

I'm also excited about bringing live readings back (both private and public). You, my dear readers, will be the first to know and will receive a special discount, when I open the doors wide to that next year. (Those darned rushing rapids just did not allow me to do it now.)

So as the last days of 2023 fade and we look forward to the dawn of 2024, give yourself a break if you've been caught in those rapids. Keep your spot of light in view.

No matter how you celebrate this holiday season, I wish you the best. I wish you happiness, peace, love, and miracles.