Dad, I Want to Hear Your Story

Mason Dad StoryI had the good fortune to "meet" and interview Jeffrey Mason, author of the "I Want to Hear Your Story" books. Jeffrey creates books designed to connect with your loved ones, particularly parents, grandparents, and spouses (partners). The books use fun questions to make it easy for you and your loved ones to reminisce on and share the stories from their lives while also creating a cherished memory item that can be shared for generations.
Although my father is passed, I thought it might make a great connection point between my sons and their father, especially as he nears retirement. You can read my interview with Jeffrey on my website.

The Southern Psychic Sisters Mysteries

Psychic Sisters Box SetI'm a sucker for an easy-going, fun-to-read, cozy mystery. Even better if the protagonist has a psychic connection. I've been enjoying A. Gardner's The Southern Psychic Sisters Mysteries (boxed set, season 1). Gardner creatively weaves spiritual gifts throughout her stories.

Ember is a psychic numerologist, her younger sister, Aqua, a pet intuitive. I'm particularly fond of her older sister, Stevie, a heavily-tattooed, somewhat grumpy, psychic medium who is portrayed as one of the good guys (not the stereotypical, fake scammer so frequently portrayed). Gardner has several other mystery series as well. I can't wait to read them.

Angels in My Hair

angels in my hairOne of my favorite books to recommend in recent times has been Lorna Byrne's, Angels in My Hair, Byrne shares her life's story and explains how since a small child she could see angels. Because of her detailed descriptions and touching tales, I cannot get through a day without thinking of some reason to talk to the unseen angelic beings around me or to send them off to help others. Certainly, I had believed and called upon them long before reading Byrne's book, but now my asking comes with more conviction they are truly intervening. Don't miss this inspiring read! It also makes a great gift.

The Optimal Dose: Restore Your Health With the Power of Vitamin D3

Optimal Dose bookI'm very cautious and quite a bit skeptical about any health claim that promises the world. I've tried my share of them (sadly) and even of the best, most fall flat. However, I did come across Judson Sommerville's book, The Optimal Dose: Restore Your Health With the Power of Vitamin D3, and read it with interest. Judson opens the book discussing his road to becoming a doctor which is complicated by a bicycle crash leaving him paralyzed. Due to problems he suffered as a paraplegic, Judson, partnered with his knowledge as a doctor, experimented on himself resulting in his receiving the healing properties of vitamin D3. Reading some of the amazing health advantages coupled with his long-term use of it with patients—especially since I live in what can be a dark, cold, winter climate—I decided to try it. While I haven't gained all the claimed benefits—losing that ten pounds would be nice—I have seen positive changes, and I highly recommend the book. 

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