Marvelous Messages from Your Childhood
Thirteen Traits that Reveal Your Hidden Potential and
Empower You to Answer the Calling of Your Heart
Difficult childhood?
The unique and trying situations you experienced as a child, at a time when you were the most impressionable, programmed your mind with survival tactics that kept you going through whatever trials you faced. Now, these same tactics can become the traits you need to persevere through life’s challenges and succeed where others fail.
Found amidst many leaders, celebrities, sports stars, musicians, artists, and other iconic luminaries are thirteen traits often formed during childhood’s difficult, early years. Ironically, those who may have been hit the hardest are often the ones with the greatest tendency to carry all thirteen. Are you one of them? Did you experience:
Are you one of them?
Did you experience:
- Abuse?
- Severe or life-threatening illness?
- Death of a family member?
- Separation from a parent?
- Trauma / Fear / Worry?
- Extreme poverty?
- Transient lifestyle?
- Unique lifestyles
- Exposed to domestic violence?
- Subjected to the tragedies of war/terrorism/crime?
- A life-altering moment?
Are you a person who is:
- Lucky to be alive?
- Not afraid to do things your way?
- Driven to keep busy?
- Always looking for ways to feel safe?
- Keeping your heart's desires at bay?
In addition, learn how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) come into play with your adult-age health.
Jamie Linn Saloff calls upon a well-known fairy tale to explain the thirteen traits and show how what once served as a defense against fear now becomes a means for success and fulfillment. Marvelous Messages from Your Childhood is part of the Heart Level in her Marvelous Messages series of books.
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